When I lost my left lung six years ago to a massive tumor, my world as I knew it changed forever. As an avid runner for 37 years, my lungs have served me well. Now faced with a diminished lung capacity and immune resistance, I began researching holistic and healthy alternatives that would work for me.

I have never been able to tolerate medicine very well. This has caused me to constantly be on the lookout for alternative solutions. With a degree in Biology, I began researching like crazy.

I began looking into essential oils and found them to not only be fascinating but have changed my life. I now have incorporated the use of essential oils into my everyday life. I use them topically, in my food and also in a diffuser.

Additionally, I use them in making some of my homemade soaps, bug sprays, household cleaners, etc. I enjoy learning what all these precious drops of oil can do for me in my life.

If you would like more information, contact me via the pull down CONTACT tab at the top of the page. I have also included my direct link if you are interested in signing up.

You can simply order or of course the best the option to save money is to sign up as a Distributor. You don't have to order any amount monthly unless you are interested in building a business. Otherwise, just order and enjoy the products at a wholesale price.

Let me know if you have any questions. I am loving my oils and know that you will too!

Join me on this healthy and amazing oily adventure!

My Journey to Sacred Oils